Thank you for your support for this community project and your interest regarding the St Briavels Turbine Community Resilience Fund.
This web page has been established to ensure that the most current information is accessible to both the community and community investors and to ensure consistency in both the information released and the timing of updates.
Project Outline
The 500KW Community Wind Turbine at St Briavels, is owned and operated by Resilient Energy Great Dunkilns which raised development funds for the project through community debentures. The project, commissioned in January 2013, was the first crowd funded wind turbine in the UK.
The turbine is generating clean, green electricity in line with expectations and is well placed to deliver against the project’s social and environmental aims over the turbine’s operational lifetime. These include the St Briavels Turbine Community Resilience Fund, the purpose of which is to help to build community resilience in St Briavels and environs by addressing current needs and future challenges.
The project is committed to making a positive difference locally in addition to the environmental benefits directly associated with the generation of renewable energy.
The next 6-monthly deadline for receipt of applications to the St Briavels Turbine Community Resilience Fund is 31st November 2019. The Application Form can be found in the tabs at the top of the page.
Successful applicants receiving grants in the latest funding round are detailed below.
- £4140 to St Briavels Cricket Club for an electronic scoreboard. The panel noted the success of the Cricket Club since the funding allocated previously, and the important role that the club plays in terms of both community health through sport, and in building social connectivity and community pride. The panel agreed that installation of the planned scoreboard would contribute to the further success of the cricket club and help to maintain its position as a leading club in the area going forwards, securing the future of the club and benefitting both young and old in the community.
- £2000 to Brockweir and Hewelsfield Play Area for safety repair works and materials, including repair/replacement of equipment including the spider climb and the volley ball posts. The panel recognised the importance of the play area to the community, not only for its use by children, but also as a place where families and others in the community can enjoy making social connections, and as a place where the community congregates.
- £300 towards running costs for the St Briavels Tea and Tots group to allow the group to continue whilst new members are recruited. The panel believes the group provides an important role connecting young families and facilitating a mutual support network. The funding will give the group breathing space to become financially sustainable by attracting new members so it can continue in this role for the foreseeable future.
This leaves a strategic reserve of £6421 to add to the funds from the next period of generation.
Press Release: 3 May 2019
Resilient Energy Alvington Court Renewables adds a second wind turbine to its community owned renewables portfolio through the acquisition of Resilient Energy Great Dunkilns (St Briavels). Both turbines generate clean, green electricity to help meet local demand, whilst also benefitting the local community.
REGD was founded by community minded St Briavels farmer Anthony Cooke and The Resilience Centre, a Woolaston based social purpose business focused on responding to the climate emergency we are facing & helping to build resilience in society. REGD was TRC’s first community renewable energy project and was the impetus for TRC’s replicable UK and European award winning ‘Resilient Energy’ community model. …
Community Resilience Fund grants totalling over £55,000 have been donated from the first four years of operational turnover of the St Briavels Community Wind Turbine. A selection of grant recipients is shown below:
- £5000 to the St Briavels Zero Waste Village Initiative for the purchase and instalment of a rocket digester
- £3000 to The Friends of Lydney Hospital towards a new X ray machine
- £3060 to the St Briavels Playgroup for the purchase of new furniture and equipment
- £1000 to the St Briavels Women’s Institute for the provision of a community projector and screen.
- £1000 to St Mary’s Church Hewlesfield towards the cost of work need in relation to the lightning conductor
- £2000 to St Briavels Pavillion for security measures and internal fittings
- £2000 to The Friends of Lydney Hospital towards a new X ray machine (second grant award)
- £540 to Brockweir Community Shop for a defibrillator case
- £730 to South Forest Support Group of Parkinsons UK
- £500 to Brockweir Entertainment for the provision of a Christmas lunch for elderly residents.
- £700 to Wonky Carpenter towards the purchase of a Van for the collection of wood for creative reuse.
- £350 to St Briavels Football Club for purchase of equipment
- £600 towards the cost of St Briavels Community Celebration.
- £500 towards Action for our Care fundraising activities
- £500 every six months (on an ongoing basis) for a roving Village Handyman service
St Briavels Turbine Community Resilience Fund Update Spring 2019
The St Briavels Wind Turbine Community Resilience Fund has allocated over £75,000 since its establishment, helping to build community resilience in St Briavels and environs.
Projects supported to date have been as varied as:
a rocket digestor utilising waste food (organised by St Briavels Zero waste and installed at Wyedean school); repairs to the Assembly Rooms and Church organ, equipment for the Memorial Field and separately for the Pavillion; support for a number of school initiatives, equipment for the village football and cricket clubs; support for other community groups and environmental initiatives, including a bee project by the gardening society; and, funding to match the Parish Council’s contribution to a roving village handyman service on an ongoing basis. The fund also previously contributed £5000 towards improvements in X ray facilities at Lydney hospital and has supported installation of defibrillators in St Briavels and Brockweir.
The latest grant allocations are:
£2,978 to MacKenzie Hall, Brockweir to support improvements. The Advisory Panel noted that the Hall is well used by residents of St Briavels, Brockweir and Hewelsield and is an important community asset. The planned improvements will benefit a number of local organisations and local residents who hire the facilities. It is also hoped that an increase in use of the hall as a result of the improvements will provide increased funds for hall maintenance long term.
£920 to the St Briavels Chapel for creation of a wheelchair accessible path to improve access to its toilet facility which is open to the public
The fund currently has a strategic reserve and is keen to support more project ideas coming forward from the community. Applicants can apply at any stage in a project, with the next deadline for applications to the St Briavels Wind Turbine Community Resilience Fund on 31st May 2019 and six monthly thereafter. Apply using the online form